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BIO사업 미션과 비전


With cutting-edge BioTech OnlyOne Passion, we make our Earth a promising and sustainable place


BIO Unlocking infinite possibilities



최고의 기술로 생명공학의 미래를 선도하는 세계적인 BIO기업

세계 유일의 8대 사료용 발효 아미노산 및 고품질 단백원을 공급하며, 친환경 Green BIO 솔루션을 제공하고 지속가능한 환경을 만드는 데 기여하고 있습니다.

이러한 초격차 역량을 기반으로 친환경 소재의 해양 생분해 플라스틱 개발뿐만 아니라, Global No.1 마이크로바이옴 기업을 목표로 Wellness 영역까지 경쟁력을 강화해 나가고 있습니다.

사업 포트폴리오

CJ BIO는 미생물 기반 최고의 발효 기술을 통해 Green BIO의 미래를 선도합니다.

Green BIO, Animal Nutrition & Health - Amino Acids, Green Protein, Enzyme, Specialty Solution, CJ Bio, Amino Acids  - Indonesia(1990), China(2004), Brazil(2004), US(2012), Malaysia(2014), CJ Selecta, SOY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE - through acquisition of Selecta, a Brazil biotech (2017), CJ YOUTELL, ENZYMES - through acquisition of Youtell, a Chinese biotech (2020), White BIO, Biomaterials, Biodegradable Plastic, CJ Biomaterials - 100% BIODEGRADABLE PHA through acquisition of Metabolix, a US biotech (2016), CJ HDCbiosol - BIOPLASTIC COMPOUNDING JV with Hyundai EP for further research in physical properties, Red BIO, Microbiome - Genetic-based infection diagnosis, Analytics Cloud/B2B Solutions, Health Care, CJ Bioscience - MlCROBIOME-BASED NEW DRUG DEVELOPMENT through acquisition of ChunLab, a Korean biotech (2021), BATAVIA biosciences - CGT CDMO (CELL GENE THERAPY) - through acquisition of Batavia, a Dutch Biotech (2021)

CJ Cheiljedaung bio has established itself as the world's best green bio company through a four-stage Leap Forward based on state-of-the-art microbial fermentation over 60 years CJ bio is the only company which supplies eight major feed amino acids by using its Global plant starting with MSG production in 1964 CJ bio jumped into animal feed business with lysine at the Passa ruon plant since 1990 and produces several number one products such as tryptophan now CJ bio focuses on strengthening its Market position by expanding the growing amino acid market and product lines such as amino acid Pro and eco we're also striving for Innovations and development aiming to Global top-tier solution Provider by expanding product portfolios such as protein Source X soy soytide products and grow enact enzymes Etc furthermore CJ bio provides the Sustainable Solutions with an eco-friendly technology and the world's best microbial fermentation capabilities we contribute to creating a sustainable environment Brew amino acids and feed enzymes and customized solutions for Less nitrogen excrements by improving livestock digestion rate and reducing nitrogen excreta from feed usage reduce in addition we are leading the Improvement of environment and Global sustainability by Leading carbon reduction Trends and taking the lead in deforestation free in the raw material procurement process so we will work with you to maximize the value of product and solution to make the better place for both people and nature through ESG efforts in global value chain


Amino Acid

The only provider of all L-type Amino Acids

CJ BIO는 세계 최고 수준의 친환경 발효 기술을 바탕으로 지속 가능하고 균형 잡힌 아미노산 영양으로 동물 사료내 조단백질 낮추는 새로운 트렌드를 선도합니다.

호환 가능한 생산 역량 기반으로 고객 니즈에 부합하는 다양한 타입 및 함량의 Full AA 포트폴리오를 보유하고 있습니다.
