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People and Community Safety and Health

What promotes employees’ safety and health?

Our Approach

Ensuring the safety and health of our employees is a top priority of our business. Failing to ensure the safety and health of workers not only affects short-term profitability but also has a devastating impact on stakeholder trust, long-term brand reputation, and the realization of mid- to long-term visions. Safety is also important from a corporate social responsibility perspective. Therefore, companies need to create safe working environments to keep their employees safe and healthy, and establish a sustainable health and safety management system to build their own health and safety culture. Achieving a health and safety culture requires active participation and commitment from employees as well as mutual trust.

Promoting Health and Safety Management

Health and Safety System

CJ CheilJedang's health and safety governance is centered around the corporate-wide Corporate EHS (Health and Safety Management Officer), and the Food, Bio and FNT Businesses, R&D Planning Office and Hospitality Business HQ have their own health and safety organizations. Sites managed by these businesses and offices have Health and Safety Managers responsible for safety management.

Safety Management Organization

Promoting Health and Safety Communication

Since 2022, we have introduced regular training for supervisors, statutory regular training, safety mindset campaigns, Safety & Environment Forum, and regional Safety & Environment councils. Through these programs, we aim to raise safety awareness and prevent potential risks based on the guidelines to corporate-wide health and safety training. We also conduct surveys to identify needs and assess the effectiveness.

Key Health and Safety Training and Emergency Drills

Promoting the Safety Management Forum

CJ CheilJedang initiated the Safety Management Forum to foster a consensus on safety management and strengthen the group-level community. The CJ CheilJedang Safety & Environment Forum involves safe & environment team leaders and working-level staff from health, safety, and environment organizations to facilitate discussions on roles and responsibilities.

Promoting the Safety Management Forum

Employee Health Management

Safety Code

As part of employee health management, we provide general and special health checkups for employees who work in places exposed to physical or chemical hazards. In particular, we conduct regular work environment surveys to identify hazards (physical and chemical) that may negatively affect employees' health. Our office health services include medical examinations, counseling, and physiotherapy. Moreover, our Safety Rescue is available 24/7 to provide prompt first aid in the event of emergencies and injuries, thereby saving the lives of employees and visitors. To create a safe and healthy workplace, we have established the Safety Code to draw employees' attention to often overlooked areas in daily operations and encourage them to practice safety.

Safety Management System Procedures
Safety Management System Procedures

Key Safety Management Activities

Awareness and Improvement Activities
Top Risk Improvement Activities

Committed to minimizing health and safety risks that need to be prevented at all costs, CJ CheilJedang identifies Top Risks and pursues improvements. In 2022, we identified 151 Top Risks and made improvements to all of them. The most common risks included crushing, ignition sources, inflammable structures, impact, fire equipment, fall, power failure, and building collapse.

No Touch Campaign

CJ CheilJedang runs campaigns that strive to eliminate accidents completely. In 2022, we initiated a campaign under the slogan "No Stop, No Touch!" to instruct employees not to touch equipment while it's in operation.

Preventive and Responsive Activities
SDR(Safety Design Review)

SDR is an operational system that ensures safety and environmental risks identified in existing facilities are not repeated in new facilities through advance review. We have strengthened preventive management by establishing design standards and clear criteria for construction, fire, health and safety, electricity, and environmental safety. In 2023, we plan to update the procedures to strengthen roles and responsibilities and adjust the standards based on accident cases. Moving forward, we will expand the standards to take into account the characteristics of our global sites, sales offices, and restaurants.

AMS(Accident Management System)

AMS prevents accidents from recurring by identifying the causes of accidents, establishing and implementing measures to prevent recurrence, and verifying their effectiveness. For the safety accidents that occurred in 2022, we developed 513 tasks to eliminate the risk of recurrence and completed 504 of them (98%). In 2023, we plan to implement improvements for the remaining tasks as part of safe environment investment programs. In addition, we will expand the scope of AMS and strengthen the effectiveness verification process to integrate results into the preliminary safety assessment for an effective recurrence prevention system in 2023.

Audit Activities
Response to the Serious Accident Punishment Act

Following the enforcement of the Serious Accident Punishment Act in 2022, we conducted semi-annual inspections at our domestic manufacturing sites, research institutes, sales offices, distribution centers, and restaurants. We also developed a new tool to verify compliance with the Act, leading to detailed and objective on-site checkups and activities to identify risk factors. In addition, we collaborated with the Legal and Compliance Office to incorporate requirements under the Serious Accident Punishment Act in the Compliance Management System (CMS) 2.0.

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