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We want to contribute to the country and society by creating the best values with OnlyOne products and services.

CSV Management System

CJ CheilJedang strives to strengthen the long-term competitiveness of its business under its unique CSV management system and create a sustainable industrial ecosystem for shared growth and shared values, thereby developing into a global company respected by the country and society. Based on compliance with three principles, specifically, legal compliance, ethical management, and safety management, the company puts into practice CSV management and operates business in connection with CSV management of CJ Group. We approach business with a CSV mindset to grow into a global lifestyle company that creates healthy, happy and convenient lifestyles. Further, the company pursues sustainable growth based on its founding philosophy ‘Contributing to the national economy’ to contribute to enhancing the social economy and enable healthier lives of people.

CSV Management Organizations

CJ CheilJedang proclaimed the implementation of CSV in 2013 to execute CSV that creates new social values by CJ’s core capacity based on its founding philosophy ‘Contributing to the national economy’, which has been newly defined according to the needs of the times. The CSV organization was formed to carry out business and social contribution activities that provide distinctive social values.

CEO - Business Management Administration - Communication Department, CSV Team / Social Contribution Group

Joint Discussion for
Social Contributions

CJ Group has organized and operated the Social Contribution Council to secure transparency of the purpose and process of donation for every corner of society that is in need of financial support. CJ Group aims to keep the donation process transparent and reasonable by establishing the donation process at the group level. CJ CheilJedang also has its own Social Contribution Committee, which consists of CEO, CFO (Business Management Administration, Head of the Finance Unit), and the heads of compliance support and CSR departments. A meeting of the Committee is called when we have KRW 100 million to KRW 1 billion of funds for donation. For a larger amount of donation, we call the BOD meeting to make decisions. The Social Contribution Committee strictly examines the purpose and details of donation to make sure the funds go to the right places.

Organizational Chart of CJ CheilJedang’s Social Contribution Committee. CEO(CEO) - CFO(Business Management Administration, Head of the Finance Unit) / Head of Compliance Support Division(Head of the Legal Affair Division) / Head of CSR Division(Head of Communication Division) - CSV Team

Process to Maximize
Shared Value

CJ CheilJedang operates its business by placing top priority on shared growth with local communities and the possibility to create social values. CSV is selected by considering environmental and social impact both in and outside the company.

Process to Maximize Shared Value. 1. Social and Environmental Values - Factors for the evaluation of sustainability management, Domestic and international social and environmental issues. 2. Relevance to Business - Examination of the medium- and long-term strategies in each business division. 3. Readiness - Retained competence, Evaluation of the viability of projects. 4. Social Impact - Considering the potential impact of social values we create

Measures to Create Shared Values and Agenda

Focusing on three CSVs, such as health and well-being, sustainable environment, and shared growth with society, we set and manage measures to create values and detailed major agendas.

Visionv - A respected global company that builds a sustainable business ecosystem for shared growth. Management Philosophy - Creative Contributing to the national economy = CSV (Creating Shared Values). Win-win with the Society. Health and Well-Being, Sustainable Environment. Process - Internalize sustainability management throughout the entire value chain. Compliance - Legal compliance, ethical management, and safety management

Compliance Management System of CJ JeilJedang

CJ JeilJedang has established a practical compliance management system and operates it based on its own compliance culture by forming and appointing Compliance Committee, Compliance Officer and Compliance Coordinators.

CEO - Compliance Committee - (BIO Business Unit - CPCO, Food Business Unit - CPCO, General Management Support - CPCO / Compliance Officer Compliance Team)


CJ CheilJedang strives to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through systematic social value-based management connected with its intrinsic business management activities. SDGs are the sustainable development goals presented by the UN for sustainable growth of the international community, dealing with universal issues of humanity as well as environmental, economic and social issues. We will integrate CSV projects based on SDGs with our key business strategies throughout the value chain to explore new growth opportunities, and contribute to resolving social issues. CJ CheilJedang will make constant efforts to fulfill SDGs and cooperate with global partners to address the challenges of the world.


CASE. Case of Fulfilling the SDGs
‘Chan Chan Chan Project’

100 Persons x 2 types of side dishes x 6 times

Some domestic studies and research show that the low income of single parents and the negative perception of them from society make such parents hard to manage both child-rearing and work. CJ CheilJedang always deeply considers about how to create shared values in the fields where the company excels and where social concerns are needed. In 2018, CJ Cultural Foundation launched CJ Hello Dream, a program to support the self-reliance of single-parent families and help their children grow healthy. We planned and conducted the ‘Chan Chan Chan Project’ with the participation of our employees, a social contribution principle of the company. In this project, our employees cooked side dishes using CJ CheilJedang food products and delivered them to single-parent households. We made the most of the capacity of the company as our chefs organized the menu considering storage easiness and nutrition. We conducted this event six times in 2018, and provided two types of side dishes to each household. In order to maintain this project as a truthful social contribution activity, not simply a one-time event, CJ CheilJedang will diversify the types of side dishes and expand the scope of beneficiary areas to support as many single-parent households as possible.


CASE. Case of Fulfilling the SDGs
‘Happy Companion’

Job Creation. 2016 54 Persons, 2017 78 Persons
Funding. 5Years(2014~2018) KWR 30.5 Billion

CJ CheilJedang runs a project called ‘Happy Companion’, a shared-growth platform that explores competitive SME suppliers. It supports SME suppliers with funds, capacity and sales channels, and provides opportunities for sustainable growth, thereby creating a healthy food industry ecosystem in Korea. To create shared values, CJ CheilJedang grants SME suppliers opportunities for growth while strengthening its product portfolio and sales. Mijung produces noodles and rice cakes and has achieved growth through the ‘Happy Companion’ platform. The company pioneered a new market beyond the existing one for low-priced rice cake products and built competitiveness to produce sauces with its own capacity, ensuring its market share and new revenue sources. As a successful win-win model between an SME and a large company, the platform is expanding by supporting the branding project for suppliers. In addition to supporting SME suppliers for their sales increase, CJ CheilJedang also contributes to local communities by creating quality jobs through the Naeil Chaeum (Brighter Future) Mutual Aid Program*.

* Naeil Chaeum (Brighter Future) Mutual Aid Program : A system that provides funding to companies and their employees for the longterm employment of core human resources.

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