Contact Us
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Contact Us

Language :
  • English
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  • Chinese
  • CJ CheilJedang will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.
  • You can check out the details of your comments and the corresponding response by typing in your email address and the password you entered when submitting your inquiry. You can also receive our response via email.
  • We would like to kindly inform you that CJ CheilJedang does not collect our customers’ Resident Registration Number (RRN).
    Please take caution not to enter your or someone else's RRN in the information or any attached documents that you input in the inquiry.

Notice of and Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information

CJ CheilJedang Corporation entrusts the following tasks related to the processing of personal information.
Hence, the items required for the safe management of entrusted personal information are so stipulated in the consignment contract in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

[Mandatory] Information Mandatorily Collected

1. Information to be Collected and Use Period

[Mandatory] Name, Country, City, email address, phone number, and password

2. Purpose of Use

- To reply to customer inquiries received and their results, and to conduct service satisfaction surveys.
- To block abusive users' access to the website.

3. Retention and Use Period

The information the user provided shall be retained for a period of three (3) years in accordance with the internal regulations and may be deleted upon a request by the said user.

[Relevant Law]

Records related to resolution of consumer complaints or disputes: three (3) years ("Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce")

You have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information above.
However, if you do not consent to the collection and usage of the information, you will not be able to submit any inquiries.

[Optional] Information Optionally Collected * If you wish to provide address information or attach an image or video, you must consent to optional collection items.

1. Information to be Collected and Use Period

[Optional] Address, image file attachment, and video file attachment

2. Purpose of Use

- To retrieve and ship products, make visitations, process refunds, and check details of the inquiries received.

3. Retention and Use Period

The information the user provided shall be retained for a period of three (3) years in accordance with the internal regulations and may be deleted upon a request by the said user.

[Relevant Law]

Records related to resolution of consumer complaints or disputes: three (3) years ("Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce")
You have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information above, which will not bar you from submitting your inquiries.

* Mandatory Field

To ensure the valuable ideas and suggestions you provide are fully utilized, all rights (including copyrights including but not limited to the right to produce derivative works and compilation works, and overall intellectual property rights) to selected ideas and suggestions shall belong to CJ CheilJedang. Users whose submissions are selected may receive gifts or rewards based on the details provided.



Password must be 4 to 8 alphanumeric characters.

Please ensure to provide the correct email address and password.
You will need them to check on the results of your inquiries later.


※ Please make sure not to include any personal information (e.g. your name, mobile number, or bank account information) in the inquiry details.

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You can attach up to 5 files, each with a maximum size of 10 MB.

Accepted file formats are jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, png, and pdf. Files in other formats such as exe and zip are not accepted.

You can attach 1 video file with a maximum size of 100 MB.

Accepted video file formats are 3GP, AAC, AC3, AIFF, ASF, AVI, CAF, DVD, FLAC, FLV, K3G, LMP4, M4A, M4R, MKV, MMF, MOV, MP3, MP4, MPG, OGG, SKM, SWF, WAV, WebM, WMA, and WMV.